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Search Results for " spr 741 "



Cat No. Product Name Synonyms Targets
T12992 SPR741 acetate SPR741 acetate,NAB741 acetate,SPR741 acetate (1179330-52-9 free base) Antibacterial
SPR741 acetate is a cationic peptide derived from polymyxin B. It exhibits antimicrobial activity against gram-negative bacteria by inhibiting severe gram-negative bacterial sensory by increasing the permeability of the ...
TP1090 SPR741 NAB741
SPR741, formerly NAB741 (12), is a cationic peptide derived from polymyxin B and is one such potentiator molecule that is under development for the treatment of serious Gram-negative bacterial infections.
TP1089 SPR741 TFA (1179330-52-9 free base) NAB741 TFA,SPR741 TFA
SPR741 TFA (NAB741 TFA) is a cationic peptide derived from polymyxin B and is a potentiator molecule.