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Search Results for " nallpen "



Cat No. Product Name Synonyms Targets
T21440 Nafcillin Unipen,Nallpen Others
Nafcillin sodium, a narrow-spectrum beta-lactam antibiotic of the penicillin class, is used to treat infections caused by Gram-positive bacteria, in particular, species of staphylococci that are resistant to other penici...
T75294 Nafcillin sodium Others
Nafcillin sodium, an antibiotic, acts as a reversible inhibitor of β-lactamase, making it effective for research into staphylococcal infections [1] [2].
T1312 Nafcillin sodium monohydrate CL 8491,nafcillin sodium Antibacterial , Antibiotic
Nafcillin sodium monohydrate (CL 8491) is the sodium salt form of nafcillin, a semi-synthetic naphthalene, penicillin-related Nafcillin inhibits bacterial wall synthesis by a mechanism of action similar to penicillin. Pe...