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TargetMol | Tags Drug-like Compound Libraries

Compound Libraries for HTS/HCS

High-throughput screening and high-content screening (HTS, HCS) are the current mainstream drug screening methods with the advantages of being microscopic, rapid, sensitive, and accurate, and can screen thousands of samples simultaneously. These techniques rely heavily on a large number of compound libraries designed with high structural diversity. And to cover various research fields, the diversity of potential targets must also be considered. There are about 50 million compounds commercially available in the global market, and we apply rigorous selection criteria to only select compounds with reliable quality and good drug-like diversities. During the design and screening process of our compound libraries, we use a series of methods to ensure the diversity and high specificity of our libraries. These libraries have been extensively validated by our in-house bioassays and by the laboratories of over 200 external partners, covering pharmaceutical, biotechnology, academic fields, and screening centers in the US, Europe, and Japan.