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Search Results for " saccharin, sodium "



Cat No. Product Name Synonyms Targets
T19977 Saccharin sodium CCRIS 706,Saccharin, sodium Others
Saccharin sodium is a type of artificial or nonnutritive sweetener. Saccharin sodium is used in the production of various foods and pharmaceutical products.
T19979 Saccharin sodium hydrate O-benzoic sulfimide sodium salt,Saccharin, sodium salt hydrate Others
Saccharin, sodium salt hydrate is used in the food industry and for sweetening diabetes diet. It is also used as a synthetic sweet ignorance agent. Saccharin, sodium salt hydrate is the first generation′ synthetic sugar ...
T1086 Vitamin D2 Calciferol,Ergocalciferol,Ercalciol DNA/RNA Synthesis , Endogenous Metabolite
Ergocalciferol (Vitamin D2 (Calciferol)) is a derivative of ergosterol formed by ultraviolet rays breaking of the C9-C10 bond with a strong inhibitory effect against bladder tumor promotion by sodium saccharin, and it in...